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  • Mold Remediation - Mold Removal Teaneck

    Mold removal is an absolutely crucial part of protecting the value of your home (or place of business), not to mention the health and well-being of you, your family or even your employees. Mold spores are everywhere, both indoors and outdoors.

  • They do, however, need dampness and organic material to actually form the colonies that can set to work destroying properties and creating health hazards. Cleaning the mold is only the first step; any underlying water problems that are in existence, must be addressed as well.

  • All moisture from any wet building materials in a structure must be completely dried out. This must commence within 24 hours and it applies to all of the affected areas within a property. The professional team, here at Water Damage Teaneck, understands the utmost urgency of this process.

  • They’ll ensure that each and every step is performed correctly, the very first time! If mold is already present, then the next step is complete removal or total decontamination of the contaminated area.

  • Our qualified contractors will start straight away, and develop a remediation plan, test the contaminated area. They’ll then provide a computer based plan which will address the size, scope, and nature of the contamination. Once the contamination has been removed successfully we will begin our systematic reconstruction process.

  • Behind the Scenes at Water Damage Teaneck Mold Removal:

    - Review of scientific data and the protocols
    - Professional on site evaluation and preparation of appropriate course of action
    - Erection of proper containment barriers and negative air
    - Decontamination, cleaning, and storage of salvageable contents within your property
    - Removal, containment, and disposal of contaminated structural components
    - Decontamination and cleaning of remaining structural components
    - HEPA filtration system to clean mold spores from the air

  • Strictly sticking to these guidelines will allow us, at Water Damage Teaneck, to provide you with the best service possible